Chemicals - Vladimir, Vladimirskaya oblast', Russia
The only Russian manufacturer of membrane flatsheet and membrane spiral-wound modules that are used in the process of filtration. The manufacturing plant is located in the city of Vladimir. The production facility has been comissioned in 2013. Membrane technology is widely used in all areas of industry that must purify water and/or treat wastewater. The use of membrane technology in electroenergy, microelectronics, pharmaceuticals, and the food industry reduces costs in obtaining water that is ultraclean, salt-free, and free of dangerous microbes. Membrane technology is used to reduce costs for wastewater treatment and to obtain concentrated solutions in the chemical and milk industries. Implementation of the project will permit to replace imported analogs with domestic products that have better consumer qualities. Thanks to the experience and scientific-technological potential of its staff in membrane technology, the company has broad opportunities for further growth, including development of new types of membranes for application in specific fields. Direct customers of RM Nanotech are engineering companies that produce units for water purification and wastewaters treatment for end consumers. There are about 150 domestic and foreign companies working in Russia today that offer engineering services for delivery of membrane equipment.
Yandex Metrica
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