Fund-raising - Jerusalem, , Israel
The Memories Foundation Endowment Fund is a funding tool for philanthropy and patronage. It receives and manages funds , for three , non-profit associations toes carry out missions of general interest.1/ Israel Archaeology: The Association aims to allow anyone to connect to our common roots and the genesis of the civilizations of the Terre Sinte; S to better know, share, protect and highlight the historical and archaeological heritage that have shaped the Western world; to support researchers and develop excavation, conservation and public exposure.2/ Shoah and memoirs: The Association's ambition is to enable everyone to actively contribute to the work of remembrance on the Holocaust and the great genocides; to share and share this knowledge; Supporting researchers contribute to the preservation, study, knowledge and conservation of memory sites, and support actions for survivors and their descendants.3/ Oceans Citizens: The Association's ambition is to enable anyone to actively contribute to the protection and conservation of the marine environment; to share and share this knowledge; Supporting researchers to contribute to the study of this heritage, to engage in the clean-up of beaches and seabeds and in public awareness activities. The Gulf of Eilat / Aquaba is the largest coral reef in the world and the only one that resists pollution. Thejoint action of neighbouring countries Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia is at the heart of the projects deployed.The missions of the Endowment Fund are of general interest. The three associations are educational, scientific, cultural, social, memorial and environmental.