Retail - Sesvete, City of Zagreb, Croatia
Deputy category manager Beverage and tabacco category at Mercator H d.o.o.
Mercator je jedan od najvećih i najuspješnijih trgovačkih lanaca u jugoistočnoj Europi i vodeći trgovački lanac u Sloveniji. Mercator H d.o.o. dio je Mercator Grupe osnovan 2001. godine. Sredinom 2014. Mercator Grupa postaje članica koncerna Agrokor, čime se utvrđuje pozicija regionalnog lidera, a Mercator-H započinje proces restruktuiranja. Kako bi što bolje iskoristili sinegrijske učinke, veći dio prodajnih jedinica Mercatorovog market programa u Hrvatskoj rebrandiran je u Konzum brand, dok Modiana i Intersport i dalje posluju kao brandovi unutar poduzeća Mercator-H d.o.o.Mercator is one of the biggest and most successful retailers in southeastern Europe and the market leader in Slovenial. Mercator H d.o.o. is part of the Mercator Group, founded in 2001. In 2014. Mercator Group became a member of Agrokor concern, which further increased the regional leader position, and Mercator H started a restructuring process. To use the synergy effect more efficiently, most of the stores in Mercator's retail program were rebranded to Konzum brand, while Modiana and Intersport remain the brands within Mercator-H company.
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