Insurance - Delhi, Delhi, India
Mercury Insurance Brokers Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 18 September 2002. It is classified as Non-govt Company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Delhi and duly licensed by IRDAI as Direct Broker of Life and Non Life insurance business.CIN:U65999DL2002PTCII7027License number 166Category – Direct ( Life and General )Validity – 29/05/2021Mercury Insurance broker is now eying to become one of the leading Retail Insurance Broker by 2021, primarily targeting the retail clients by offering the tailor made need based bouquet of products in life and nonlife space under one roof. We also wish to enhance the reach and penetration to the width and the depth of our industry by venturing and entering into more of the nascent rural India markets, by facilitating a unique niche passive income offering to the common people by appointing them as our lead generator or a pos post abiding the rules and regulation of our regulator.