Health, Wellness & Fitness - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Meridian Health And Wellness Clinic - India is an acupuncture and homeopathy Clinic.Meridians are the invisible channels throught which Life-Energy (yin and yang) flows in the body. When body system is influenced by any internal or external factors, the balance of Life-Energy is broken. It can affect the related organs & results in disease.We, at Meridian Health & Wellness Clinic enhance these Life-Energy flows. A large emphasis is given on developing a range of Oriental and Holistic Health Services tailored specifically to meet your body requirements. We offer a range of services and quality care to our patients.At Meridian we aim at providing you a safe, comfortable and positive therapeutic experience using Ancient Medicine with Modern Techniques. We have created a soothing environment within the clinic to calm your senses. Our well trained staff will help you go through these experiences in friendly manner with a detailed therapy of each visit. We encourage your involvement and value your feedback during these experiences.Address: 8, Darshan Classic, J. B. Nagar, Andheri (E),Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
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