Retail - Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
MerkatoExpress is the largest online shopping platform for Ethiopians. We focus on providing an online outlet to sellers and on connecting them to buyers. We do not own or have any inventory of goods of our own.Beyond commerce, we strongly believe that MeraktoExpress can serve as the ideal platform to strengthen the connection between Diaspora Ethiopians with family and friends at home.Through an Ethiopia focused market place platform, we aspire to empower local entrepreneurship by serving as an online outlet to locally produced goods and making them accessible to Ethiopians around the world. Our partnership with payment facilitators and with on-demand transport service providers clearly differentiates MerkatoExpress and positions it as the unique end-to- end market place platform in Ethiopia with the ability to effectively leverage the Internet, and to change the way business is done.
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