Financial Services - Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Merxcoin do Brazil S/A, is a Brazilian Limited Company, based in Rio de Janeiro, controlled by Merxcoin Capital Holdings Limited with Headquarters in London, United Kingdom.We bring to Brazil the Currency Revolution with realistic customer services expectations!!! Making the customer the hero of our story!We believe the technology behind cryptocurrencies "The Blockchain" is The Fourth Industrial Revolution and it is profoundly altering everything around us, even the way we live. This revolution promises to create greater efficiencies in all industry sectors and to spectacularly maximize human wellbeing. However, for the Fourth Industrial Revolution to be successful, an open, borderless, payment protocol must be in place. This protocol is CRYPTOCURRENCIESWe believe cryptocurrencies is here to stay. Our goal is to provide reliable easy to use service for companies and individuals to exchange cryptocurrencies.