Higher Education - Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, United States
The Messiah University Student Government Association serves as a bridge between University Administration and the student body, representing campus needs and interests through the Student Body President's Cabinet, Student Senate, the Student Review Board and the Diplomatic Corps of Student Representatives to University Committees. Join us as we work to change campus for the better!What does it mean to lead, especially within the Christian context?In John 13:1-16, we read of how Jesus washed His disciples' feet. it was considered so counter-cultural and unthinkable that even Peter had to rebuke his master. I think about this story quite often as I ponder about the essence of being a leader, and subsequently, a servant of the community that I find myself in. Jesus loved His disciples and showed it by serving them, and then laying His life down for them. Without love, leadership is merely temptation for a power trip but with love it is transformational for the betterment of everyone.What does it mean to serve the student body?The bridge is the symbol adopted by the Student Government Association because our aim is to act as a bridge, representing the student body as well as the institution. Serving with love means listening, caring, empathizing, and speaking truth when and where it needs to be spoken, on behalf of those who do not have the same opportunity or privilege to do so. Serving with love means celebrating the stories of our fellow neighbors who make this community so diverse and rich. Serving with love means having difficult conversations with people of differing ideals and values because we want to get to know you, not just of you.It is our hope that we will be able to serve you all faithfully. In love and in humility. That we may consistently lay down our lives so that His will may be done through us for those around us. We hope you will journey with us in striving to make Messiah a better place than it was yesterday.