Research - Sermaises, Centre, France
METABIOLAB was created in 2016, drawing on its unique expertise in the field of diagnosis of cell metabolism dysfunction.METABIOLAB has developed a fee-for-service based platform for metabolic investigations of product's effects on either in vitro or in vivo models. METABIOLAB perform automated measurements to quantify key metabolic parameters such as oxidative stress, electron-transport chain disorders, cell energetic status, inflammation and cell death.METABIOLAB propose the most relevant list of assays using a high throughput, muti-parametric, non-radioactive, quantitative readouts technology. Extremely robust and accurate, these automated systems allow us to work with reduced sample volumes as low as 5 microliters, and generally does not require cell organelles extraction. Moreover, they deliver results with a much greater level of precision that meets the standards of clinical biology.Unmatched precision: CV < 4-5% for all tests delivers reliable and precise actionable information.METABIOLAB has a portfolio of projects that are in various stages of development. Our ambition is to develop tests to fill the gaps in our cell metabolism overview. Several main metabolism are already targeted such as Glycolysis, PPP, TCA cycle, Glutathione and Ketone Pathways as well as Lipid and Amino-Acid Metabolisms.
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