Management Consulting - Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
The word ‘Metanoia' finds its origins in the Greek language, and refers to a conversion, an alteration in course – a transformative change.We at Metanoia Consulting believe in the unbounded power of human potential. Given the right environment and equipped with the necessary tools to unleash one's potential, we believe there is nothing that cannot be achieved. The results of this transformation can, in turn, have a deeply positive impact on our families, our immediate social circles, our professional lives, our philanthropy, our education and our communities.So many of us go through life undifferentiated, unnoticed, feeling lost and without a sense of direction. And then, with a little help and a better understanding of our own selves, we find a path that interests us. And so we proceed into our chrysalis – that crucial period of transformation. And through this process of self-reflection, self-awareness, and learning the ability to tap into who we truly are, do we emerge on the other side: transformed, confident, and in charge of our lives.Rumi famously questioned:"You were born with wings;Why prefer to crawl through life?"And so we ask you: what are you waiting for?MISSIONTo enable growth, development and capacity-building by providing quality opportunities for learning, training and development to individuals, firms (including those in the corporate, banking, telecommunication, development, and NGO sector), and the government and its departments, in a manner that best meets the client's needs; to reach out and effect positive change in the community; and to create greater awareness and platforms for members of the community to move towards self-actualization.