International Affairs - , , is a network of freelancers with different skills. Every freelancers operates in its commercial reality, located in different places and different countries, and works in team with other partners to generate business. We have decided to use in the name ".com" to underline the international character of network and the direct links of the components.These elements are the real added value of is:- commercial brokerage products and services- investment and partnership research- representation for the construction of civil plantsand industrial buildings- e.commerce- market development- consultancy services in different areas: marketing, finance, design, franchising, commercial. is an esternal organisation at the client company. For this reason is a dynamic company, activated in real time, goal-oriented.It's not a fixed cost but variable percentage to achieve the objectives: actively participate in the success of the partner, co-interested to generate profit.Network is based in:ItaliaUKSwitzerlandTunisieMarocAsia (based in Thailandia)Bulgaria and Est Europe