Management Consulting - San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, Mexico
By being part of the top management team of our clients, to help them in thelong term goals setting and decision making, by showing them how tounderstand their risks, counterbalancing them with their opportunities forgrowth and their contribution to society, based on wise implementation ofstrategy, cemented in sound financial policy and a deep knowledge of theeconomics of their environment in the industrial and geographic gameboard.In achieving growth, MG-RISK will show its clients the extent of their up-side risks in allpossible scenarios, and hedge/control their down-side risks according to topmanagement tolerance. Growth shall be evaluated in two pathways:1. Internal-Organic: Launching of new products, developing/adapting new technologies;Entering into new sectors or industries in the same cluster; Attacking new geographies2. External: Trough M&A ́s, Joint Ventures, or Strategic AlliancesSo they would be able to fill the gaps in their market offer and thus being capable toattend and fulfill all the opportunities in front of their clients.
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