Fund-Raising - , ,
OUR MISSION: TOGETHER WE ARE FUNDING CHILDHOOD CANCER RESEARCH AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CHILDHOOD CANCEROne of the most devastating events that can occur within a family is to be informed that their child has been diagnosed with cancer.Presently very little is known about the underlying causes of childhood malignancies as the majority of research dollars raised are spent on investigating adult forms of cancer.Since its inception in 1997, the Michael Cuccione Foundation has worked diligently to change this through the generous support from the public. The funds raised by this foundation are donated in memory of Michael Cuccione, who at the age of nine, had a vision to support various research programs across Canada and the United States.Since his passing at the young age of 16, the foundation has been committed to spreading Michael's message and keeping his dream alive. With all the love and support from the individuals Michael continues to inspire, perhaps one day Michael's dream of eradicating this disease wil be a reality.As Michael phrased, "ONE PERSON CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH, BUT TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE".Please help us to keep Michael's dream alive, support the Michael Cuccione Foundation. Do it for the children.
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