Nanotechnology - Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Micro to Nano is the first truly European company specialised in innovative and practical supplies for electron and scanning probe microscopy. Backed by a combined experience of over 50 years in electron microscopy, sample preparation, imaging technology and product distribution, we have a deep understanding of the needs of our customers, the products needed in the microscopy lab. We support our products and provide technical support.Micro to Nano offers its products to all European countries and beyond from its offices and warehouse located in Haarlem, the Netherlands. Backed by a comprehensive website with fully integrated e-commerce and transparent pricing, we offer our customers instant quoting, quick and easy on-line ordering and expedited shipping.Many of the products we offer for electron microscopy are designed by us and contract manufactured by specialised partner companies. This business model enables us to provide our customers with state-of-of-the -art high quality products against sensible prices. We understand that high quality microscopy supplies and practical tools are essential for optimum sample preparation. Only optimum sample preparation will unlock first rate results from your microscope. One of our core strengths is working with our customers to bring new and innovative products to the microscopy marketplace. Many of our products originate from working with our customers to improve productivity, reduce sample preparation and improve image quality.We invite you to browse are website and discover the innovative, unique, practical and high quality products we offer. If you don;t find what you are looking for, please don't hesitate to contact us.The Micro to Nano brands include:EM-Tec for our electron microscopy productsMicro-Tec for light microscopy and microscopy sample preparation productsNano-Tec our the nanotechnology productsValue-Tec for our cost effective and practical products for microscopy applications
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