Publishing - , Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Microdinero is a news organization founded by four Argentine journalists and communication specialists with the conviction that microfinance is an important model for sustainable and environmentally friendly social development. We launched microdinero in 2006 and after years of hard work it is up and running. We believe Microdinero is a valuable tool for keeping abreast of the latest news on events, issues, people and trends in microfinance. Microdinero is the first source of global news on microfinance and small-scale economies with country-by-country coverage from a team of correspondents. We provide unbiased news on events, people and trends on microfinance and small business around the world.Microdinero has the same objective of other independent news organizations: to deliver daily objective news. Our aim is to deliver clear and useful information to the microfinance community, including thebanking and financial sectors, small business owners, governments, multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations, foundations, donor companies and philanthropists.With specialized information and a focus on the local social and cultural conditions in each region, Microdinero aspires to help the local, national and international microfinance communities with tools to make it easier to meet their goals of financial inclusion, local economic development and social equality.