Publishing - Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland
Micromachines is a peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and technology of small structures, devices and systems, published monthly online by MDPI.Scope:Fundamentals and PhysicsFundamental micro/nanoscale multiphysics phenomena and device, leading to novel applications such as Nano/Microelectromechanical Systems (N/MEMS); mechanical and electrical transducers, sensors, and actuators; optic devices (including plasmons and metal), optoelectronic devices; micro/nano-scale energy harvesting; piezoelectric, triboelectric, and pyroelectric nanogenerators; flexible, stretchable, and wearable electronics/sensors; microbots (swarm robotics), nanorobots, and micro air vehicles.Biology and biomedicineBioMEMS; miniaturized biosensors; microarrays; DNA chips; PCR chips; electronic noses; organ-on-a-chip; microfluidic cell culture; point-of-care diagnostic chips; μ-TAS; molecular imprinting; applications in medicine (nanomedicine), tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, biomedical research, drug discovery, environment, food, health, security, and safety.ChemistryElectrochemical devices; nanoelectrodes; miniaturized gas sensors; miniaturized chemical sensors; microsystems for chemistry; microreactors; lab-on-a-chip, biochips, and microfluidics applications in chemistry (including electrokinetic phenomenon), energy and environmental sciences.Materials and ProcessingMaterials based micro/nano structures, devices, system, and its applications: class of materials include silicon, carbon, glasses, polymers (plastics), metals, ceramics, composites, liquid crystals, colloids, semiconductors, superconducting, magnetic materials. Bio-inspired, bi