Public Safety - Carmarthen, ENG, UK
GM Head of Operational Procedures and Learning Fire Service
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is responsible for providing public safety information, prevention and protection programmes, and emergency response cover for Mid and West Wales. Our organisation employees over 1,400 members of staff and covers around 4,500 square miles - almost two thirds of Wales, including Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Neath Port Talbot, Powys and Ceredigion. Our responsibilities as a public body require us to undertake a wide range of activities and engage with many stakeholders. Developing and training our workforce, managing our resources, managing our performance and working with others are just a few of the activities we now address as part of our day to day business. The services that we deliver as part of our Statutory Duties can however be categorised into three key areas: Prevention, Protection and Response. We're often recruiting on-call firefighters for the above areas and here, on our linkedin profile, you can find out more about where we're currently recruiting and what you need to know about what becoming an on-call firefighter means.
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