Real Estate - Austin, Texas, United States
Midas Touch is a small, elite and high value company with current operations in India, USA and with plans to expand into other countries. In 2005, Dr. Vijay Pothukuchi established Midas Touch with the objective of establishing a professional real estate company providing premium features within an affordable price range. This is achieved through professionalization and volume based cost efficiency. The company's current project "The Fountainhead" is a 200,000 sft apartment complex in Hi-tech city (Khajaguda) Hyderabad. Please visit for details. Dr. Pothukuchi is an accomplished corporate leader and also a renowned management researcher with over 20 years of corporate experience. He last served as a Director at Conexant (Former Rockwell Semiconductors), USA and CIO (outsourced) for Pictos, USA. Dr. Pothukuchi put together several winning teams to successfully implement enterprise level projects in USA, East Africa and India. His experience spans across wide range of industries like Semiconductors (Conexant /Rockwell, Pictos, Mindspeed, Skyworks), Biotechnology (Perkin Elmers, CA), Oil/Natural Gas (Mobile, Union Carbide), Academics (Rutgers, Thomas Edison College, N.J.) Agro Trading/Agribusiness (Cresthale U.K. Ltd, FRESH Marketing Society, NDDB & Mother Dairy). As a management researcher, Dr. Pothukuchi's work finds place in the seminal research series published by SAGE in the field of Global Strategic Management. His work is also a prescribed reading for M.B.A. curricula in Europe and Asia.
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