Food Processing - Mildura, VIC, AU
Mildura Fruit Company (MFC) began operation over 100 years ago as the Mildura Co-operative Fruit Company. Since then we have grown to become one of Australia's largest packer and exporter of fresh citrus.Decades of growing, packing and marketing experience have equipped us to be the very best at what we do. Our world-class packing facility is able to pack nearly 3000 cartons per hour and by providing market-leading information to our growers we enhance the quality of fruit that we ship around the world.MFC packs and markets a full range of fruit from more than 120 growers in the horticultural regions of Sunraysia, Riverland and Riverina to destinations around the world. Our paralleled experience in the industry has also enabled us to diversify from marketing solely citrus to becoming a preeminent exporter of a wide range of fruits.
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