Metals/Mining - Roanoke, Virginia, US
Mincon Group Plc was founded in 1977 in Shannon, Ireland. Mincon manufactures and distributes a range of precision engineered hard rock drilling tools for a variety of industries including Mining, Exploration, Waterwell, Geothermal, Construction, Horizontal Directional Drilling, Oil-Gas and Energy. Mincon Group Plc has a worldwide presence with offices in Ireland, UK, Sweden, Finland, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Namibia, Tanzania, Senegal, Chile and Peru. All of our products are manufactured in our own plants in Ireland, USA, Australia, Canada, Sweden or the UK and we have a well-developed supply chain which means we can get Mincon products to our clients’ sites wherever they are in the world. We pride ourselves in listening to what the users of our products tell us which feeds into new product design. This has led us to become – “The Driller’s Choice Worldwide”. Since its founding, Mincon Group PLC has had a clear vision and determined focus giving priority towards: - Highest design specifications - Best Manufacturing methods and processes - Delivery of superior products to the customer Those same values remain within the company today, and Mincon is proud to have developed an enviable reputation for its superior quality products which can be found on job sites all over the world.
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