Professional Services software - Ramsey, MN, US
Mind Empowerment Coaching CenterCoaching, Hypnotherapy, Speaking, SeminarsMind Empowerment Coach, Lori BestlerThere are NO Limits! ...Only those in your mind.Combining Science of the Mind and Motivation for Personal and Professional Transformation.Programming Your Mind for Success to... * Live Your Best Life * Be the Person You Want to Be * Achieve the Results You Most DesireStudies reveal, time and time again that thoughts, energy-intentions, and beliefs all affect our physical body's molecular structure, and our ability to achieve success and live to our full potential. With our unique "Strategic Mind Coaching" program and products, we can effectively assist you in changing the mindsets that hinder your life.Busy MindStress and overwhelmAnxious feelingsSleep problemsLack of focus and follow-throughProcrastinationNegative self-talkLow self-confidence and limiting beliefs of all kindsBad habits like emotional eatingContact Mindscapes Unlimited for a FREE Phone Consultation.
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