Mental Health Care - Berlin, Berlin, Germany
minime brings therapy and everyday life together - playfully and interactively. Therapists and their patients can now utilize the full potential of behavior therapy. Behavioral therapy so far: # Therapeutic exercises between the sessions meant filling out boring paper sheets. Like in school. This is not very motivating and does not correspond to the living environment of our patients. # Observations in everyday life are reproduced incompletely or unsorted # Self-observation on complex, unmotivating sheets of paper # Analysis in the session on flip charts Behavioral therapy with minime: In the therapy sessions - online and on site - the therapist and patient can now define individual tasks for the time until the next session in the app. An example could be observing thoughts on a daily basis (thought log). Thoughts, emotions and behaviors can now be recorded playfully with one click. All entries are saved in a clear timeline. In the next meeting, individual entries can be discussed, completed and analyzed together. The therapist and patient create a behavior analysis together.
Ruby On Rails
Google Tag Manager
Google Apps
Google Cloud Hosting