Government - N/A, N/A, JP
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries contribute outstandingly to the development of national economy and stabilization of national life through their role of providing stable supply of foods indispensable to our daily life.Farmland and forest, also play the role of cleaning air and water, fostering water resources and conserving national land resources. Furthermore, nature and verdant scenic sights abundant in the rural communities is closely related to the national life as they provide mental tranquility for the people through communion between man and nature.The circumstances surrounding the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries of Japan are severe, due to such factor as imbalance between supply and demand in agricultural products, delay in the management scale expansion in the so-called' land-extensive agriculture' like rice cultivation, and the escalating pressure for opening up the market from various overseas countries.And in order to promote the harmonious development of economic society and stability of national life sound development of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries and advancement of the welfare of the people engaged in these industries would be indispensable.In order to assure healthy and abundant dietary life for the people, moreover, it is necessary to strive towards maintenance and reinforcement of the ability to attain self-sufficiency in food supplies at all times, maintaining, on the other hand, an appropriate combination of import and domestic production.From these viewpoints, the Ministry comprehensively undertakes administration related to agricultural, forestry and fisheries products, covering from production to consumption and also to rural development and promotion of the welfare of rural inhabitants with a view to achieving stable supply of food, sound development of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries and upgrading of the welfare of rural inhabitants.
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