Oil & Energy - Nairobi, Nairobi County, Kenya
FUNCTIONS OF THE MINISTRYEnergy policy and developmentHydropower DevelopmentGeothermal exploration and developmentThermal power developmentPetroleum products, import/export/marketing policyRenewable energy developmentEnergy regulation, security and conservationFossil fuel exploration and developmentRural Electrification ProgrammeExpanding and upgrading of Energy infrastructurePromoting energy efficiency and conservationProtecting the environmentMobilizing requisite financial resources for operation and expansion of energy services consistent with rising demandEnsuring security of supply through diversification of sources and mixes in a cost effective mannerIncreasing accessibility to all segments of the populationEnhance legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks to create both consumer and investor confidenceEnhancing and achieving economic competitiveness and efficiency in energy production, supply and delivery
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