Information Technology & Services - Kampala, Central Region, UG
t also ensures sustainable, efficient and effective development, harnessing and utilization of ICT in all spheres of life to enable the country achieve its national development goals. The Ministry is headed by a Minister who is assisted by two Ministers of State. There are three Directorates namely; the Directorate of ICT Infrastructure and Investment, the Directorate of Information Technology Services and the Directorate of Information and National Guidance. The Directorate of ICT infrastructure and Investment comprises the Department of ICT Infrastructure Planning and Technology Support and Department of Communication Network. The Directorate of Information Technology Services comprises the Department of ICT Research and Development and the Department of E-services. The directorate of Information and National Guidance comprises the Department of Information Dissemination & Public Relations and the Department of National Guidance. In addition, there is the Department of Finance and Administration headed by The Permanent Secretary; The Department of Finance and Administration provides support services to the entire Ministry and is comprised of several Units including Administration, Policy & Planning Division, Procurement Unit, Internal Audit, Human Resource Management Division, and Resource Center. The Governance and Institutional Framework of ICT sector in the country can be viewed from four main perspectives;
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