Utilities - Latham, NY, US
Tugas dan Fungsi Kementerian Pekerjaan UmumTugas :Sesuai dengan Undang-undang Nomor 39 tahun 2008 tentang Kementerian Negara dan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 47 tahun 2009 tentang Pembentukan dan Organisasi Kementerian Negara, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum mempunyai tugas : Menyelenggarakan Urusan Tertentu dalam Pemerintahan untuk membantu Presiden dalam menyelenggarakan Pemerintahan Negara.Fungsi : Perumusan, penetapan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan dibidangnya. Pengelolaan barang milik/kekayaan negara yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya. Pengawasan atas pelaksanaan tugas dibidangnya. Pelaksanaan bimbingan teknis dan supervisi atas pelaksanaan urusan Kementerian di daerah. Pelaksanaan kegiatan teknis yang berskala nasional.
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The Ministry of Public Work, located in Latham, New York, is a government agency responsible for overseeing the public works and utilities sector in Indonesia. With a mission to support the President in governing the state, the ministry has a wide range of responsibilities, including policy making, asset management, and technical supervision. The ministry's main functions include the formulation, establishment, and implementation of policies in the public works and utilities sector. It is also responsible for managing state-owned assets and overseeing the implementation of tasks in the sector. Additionally, the ministry provides technical guidance and supervision to regional governments and carries out national-scale technical activities. The Ministry of Public Work is committed to providing the best possible services to the public and ensuring that the country's infrastructure is well-maintained and developed. With a team of dedicated professionals and a strong focus on innovation, the ministry is constantly working to improve the quality of life for Indonesian citizens. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the ministry through their phone number, 518-783-6292, or visit their website at pu.go.id. You can also find more information about the ministry's programs and initiatives on their LinkedIn page, http://www.linkedin.com/company/ministry-of-public-work.
The Ministry of Public Works and Housing has a role to play in the government, which is to help the President in running the state's affairs. Its functions include: * Making policies and decisions in its field of work. * Managing and taking care of the state's assets and properties. * Monitoring the implementation of its tasks. * Providing technical guidance and supervision to regional offices. * Carrying out national-scale technical activities.