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MINOLDZ exists to help businesses like yours to transform into green environmentally friendly businesses. Now more than ever, everyone's focus is on going "green." It is a common buzzword in the media and is gaining significant attention from all types of businesses intent on helping the environment by becoming an ecologically responsible company.Fortunately, the green approach is not only good for the environment; it also has very practical benefits for companies like yours. Your involvement can change the environmental future of our planet! MINOLDZ will work with your company to help you recycle damaged or unused fixtures that are taking up space in your stockroom by making sure these items do not go into landfills. We will pick up unused or damaged fixtures that can be recycled and all of this at no cost to you. MINOLDZ will reuse, restore or recycle fixtures, mannequins, displays, furniture, hangers, appliances and other items. All you have to do is give us a call and let us see what we can do for you and our environment. MINOLDZ specializes in store closings, remodels, and to the wall tear outs.Call us; we look forward to assisting you in your endeavor.Whether you are interested in raising your company's "green" factor, or simply want an effective way to reduce your store fixtures, let us help you. Our goal is to make fixture recycling as easy and effortless as possible, as well as beneficial to your company and to the environment.Let us leave you with one last thought…the environment benefits as we reuse or recycle to reduce waste and not to mention save energy and all of this is at no cost to you.
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