- San Francisco, California, United States
Missing Corner is a full-stack mobile and web app design and development company. We excel in user experience and user interface design. Helping startup is our passion. We are your design and development partner, and your accelerator. Our teams will work closely with you to realize your idea into a compelling product quickly and cost-efficiently. We got into this business because we love startups. We won't put our name on just anything, though - we only work on ideas we believe in.Our technology stack includes:Obj-C, Swift, Java, Kotlin, NodeJS, Go, Amazon Web Service, ReactJS, AngularJS.Latest case studies:NowList - Startup in Life style, Entertainment, USAccent Technology - Sales Enablement Platform for Business, Enterprise Software, USBitClub Network - Mining Pool, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, EUFim+ - Video Streaming, VietnamInterested? Email us hello@missingcorner.com
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