Missing Piece Awareness Inc.

Management Consulting - Holbrook, NY, US

Missing Piece Awareness Inc. Employees
Angela Selvaggio

Vice President of Training

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Missing Piece Awareness Inc. Details

Missing Piece Awareness trains and certifies mainstream businesses and their employees in autism awareness and acceptance with individualized, on-site and interactive trainings. Our approach ensures that businesses will be successful in providing exceptional customer service to families with autism facing challenges in the community. Once a business receives their certification, we connect the business with the special needs community, promoting them as an autism-accepting business. At Missing Piece Awareness, we help businesses improve performance by giving them the tools, training, skills and technology to reach a new audience and provide a solution to meet the evolving customer service needs of individuals with autism, special needs and their families.Families gain the opportunity to enjoy the businesses' products and services to become fully participating members of the community. Missing Piece Awareness opens doors so businesses and families can develop, strengthen and enjoy long lasting partnerships.Our company was born out of necessity. For too long, families affected by autism and other disabilities have been isolated and segregated from fully enjoying and participating in their communities. While the CEO worked with the autistic population for 25 years, she saw firsthand how and why most families avoided establishments and businesses. Her mission became to help BOTH the families and businesses. We recognize the plight families endure and the market segment businesses are missing- and have created a comprehensive and effective turn-key solution to meet this unaddressed growing need.On the business side, we help businesses increase customer acquisition and retention, gain a competitive advantage over others businesses in their industry and welcome a new niche of potential customers. Businesses can bring more traffic to their business, increase sales, expand their customer base be recognized as socially responsible business leaders.

Missing Piece Awareness Inc. logo, Missing Piece Awareness Inc. contact details
Employees: 20 - 49
HQ: 631-588-0400
Location: Holbrook, NY, US
Revenue: 2.5 - 5 Million
Autism Awareness Training Autism Awareness Certifification Employee and Staff Training Customer Service Training Specializing in Autism and Special Needs Autsim Trained Business Certification Customer Experience Management Management Consulting Management Services

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