Nonprofit Organization Management - Williston Park, New York, United States
Our foundation Mission helping Hands islooking to raise awareness and, hopefully,funding for some incredibly worthwhilecauses. Every one of us has been touchedin some way by one or more of the causeswe are looking to help in 2021. We havefive different events planned with articleson each charity included in this edition.I don't like to pat myself on the back, butI have assembled a group of individualsfrom Meadowbrook Financial MortgageBankers Corp. to form Mission HelpingHands, and their desire to make a differenceis second to none. Each will be introducedalong with their charities of choice. After ayear like we've just had, I'm so incrediblygrateful that my family and I have comeaway unscathed. I know many of you hadCOVID and came through OK. There aremany that did not, so many lives lost, andmany more destroyed. Many charitablegroups that do so much good in theareas of mental health, addiction, brokenfamilies, and so much more were terriblyimpacted. Many small businesses closedforever. Now, more than ever, is a timewhen those of us who have been so blessedand fortunate reach out to those in need.Our 2021 fundraisers and events touch onmany of these areas so desperately in needof assistance.
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