Insurance - Blue Springs, MO, US
Duaine Owings, a licensed agent helps people protect their health and financial well being by providing professional, practical advice about Senior Health Plans. He specializes in Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplements, Part D and other senior insurance products. You may feel overwhelmed with how much information is out there. From TV/radio ads to mail advertisements, a consumer can easily feel confused as to which plans are available and what your options are. Where do you begin? This is where Plan to Win Insurance Agency is here to assist you in making sense of the "Medicare Maze".We continually review and study all the health insurance plans that are available through the top insurance carriers in Missouri and Kansas. This allows us to help our clients find health insurance that meets their budget and needs. We do not charge a fee for our services. If we're able to help you find a plan that you like and you allow us to enroll you, then the issuing insurance company will pay our firm a commission.