Agriculture - Biloxi, Mississippi, US
Executive Assistant, Commission on Marine Resources Coordinator, and Public Records Manager
The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) is dedicated to enhancing, protecting and conserving the State's marine interests for present and future generations. Created by the legislature as a new state agency in 1994, MDMR manages Mississippi coastal resources through the authority of the Commission on Marine Resources. It manages all marine life, public trust wetlands, adjacent uplands and waterfront areas for the long-term recreational, educational, commercial and economic benefit of these resources consistent with environmental concerns and social changes. The MDMR and the Commission on Marine Resources play an important role in administering Mississippi Seafood Laws, the Mississippi Coastal Wetlands Protection Act, the Public Trust Tidelands Act, the Boat and Water Safety Act, the Derelict Vessel Act, the Non-Point Source Pollution Act, the Magnuson Act, the Wallop-Breaux Sportfish Restoration Act, Marine Litter Act and other state and federal mandates. MDMR social: Twitter: Facebook: Google+: YouTube: Flickr: Pinterest: Instagram: