Venture Capital & Private Equity - Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa
MITOCHONDRIA CAPITAL is a company that specialises in:1. Corporate Advisory Service: - Business Finance Advisory - Business Valuations - Mergers and Acquisitions - Turnaround strategy - Accelerate business growth - Business in Emerging Market/Africa - Finding credible BEE Partner and structuring the deal on or off balance sheet - Raising capital via; > Commercial Banks, Government Agencies, Venture Capital, Public listings ( e.g. JSE) and Other private investors (e.g. Angel Investor)2. Credible BBBEE Partner/Investor (BBBEE level 1) - We invest a minimum of 30% ownership in fast-growing and established Companies that we understand and can add value in scaling up the business and contribute to communities. Focus Sectors: Manufacturing, Technology, Mining, and Financial Services3. Corporate and public sector training: - Art of Leadership - Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Senior Manager - Sales and Marketing - Credit and Operational Risk Management - Working Capital Management - Corporate Governance4. Enterprise Supplier Development (ESD)End to end set up and management of corporate ESD and training of entrepreneurs
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