Electrical/electronic Manufacturing - Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
All India Arya Samajis Society for Advance Education & Research (AIASSAER) was formed in 1999 by a group of prominent people who wanted to provide a breeding ground for ideas & talent to keep pace with the ever changing world of science and technology. It was the heartfelt desire of the members to provide meaningful education to conduct original research and to provide leadership in technological innovation for the industrial growth of the country. Thus the members of the society who founded MITRC are confident that with the best faculty and guidance in peaceful and beautiful surroundings the students will emerge as successful and trained professionals. They will be the icons of MITRC and pride of India. The AIASSAER undertook the task of spreading the light of knowledge & values at Alwar a city of parks and widely known as The Singhdwar of Rajasthan. A small city located on the one hand amidst the beautiful landscape of Aravalli hills and Sariska Tiger Sanctuary (National Park) with breezing fresh air soothing the minds & souls of the inhabitants on the other hand it falls in the National Capital Region (NCR) and participates in writing the history of Indias economic growth.