Information Technology & Services - , West Virginia, United States
MITYUNG is a lean Information Communication Technology Company, equipped with new generation internet technologies and thought leadership. We excel in building information engines for 360 degrees interfaces to enable business transactions and information mining across the devices - Specialized in Cloud Computing, Mobile Apps, and Business Intelligence Solutions.We are seasoned and compassionate technocrats; conceived to drive transformation in cloud and mobile computing space via growth of technology innovations. We enable our partners to build information framework to leverage core technology for making any solution more affordable and scale-up business boundaries. We are working on vision to enable healthcare omnipresence -- Envisioning the growth of globalization and advancement of information computing scenario, we have built networked healthcare ecosystem on cloud to facilitate clinical process automation solution and healthcare collaboration platform to the medical fraternity; and also enabled them to conduct integrated patient care services within and beyond geography.
Google Tag Manager
Mobile Friendly
Google Analytics
Bootstrap Framework