Design - Amman, Amman, Jordan
In 2001, Mahfouz Kassisieh started MKD as a product design office in Amman, Jordan.After he observed first-hand the challenges faced by local industrial companies in creating product differentiation and a positive user experience, yet having financial viability, he experienced how design can be the best tool to solve their challenges.Since then, MKD has been working on creating solutions for local and regional companies using design methods to help them start and grow their product ranges; products that are better and feasible to produce locally. In 2007, based on the company's vision, MKD started an in-house mold making facility, to provide an integrated solution that minimizes risk, resolves time to market challenges and provides flexibility for continuous development. Today, our mold making facility is one of the leading mold making facilities in Jordan with a highly experienced team of engineers and technicians.Our solution integrates all aspects of the product development process, from business strategy, product design and engineering to mold making and production.We focus on the plastic industry, from mold making service to full product development solutions.In 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we introduced our accelerated product development solution, where time was the most important factor and local availability was essential. We are proud to be one of the companies that helped local manufacturers satisfy the urgent local and regional demand for essential products like sanitizers, cleaning and food products.
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