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MMA Melee - Community of Combat™ a social network dedicated to the progression of mixed martial arts. MMA Melee is a free tool that focuses on building a solid foundation for its professional and amateur athletes. Our website books bouts/jobs for athletes and industry personnel. Each month MMA Melee "Classifieds" section publishes over 100 open fight card spots around the nation. The website hosts over 20,000 fitness, exercise, training, self-defense and fight videos.MMA Melee, INC. sponsors a professional and amateur fight team. The franchise holds a Team Record: 121–7 Win-Rate: 94% of the fighters representing the company. MMA Melee team members have competed in dozens of fight leagues around the world including the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Their endorsement deals have been seen on global networks such as Fox Sports, Spike TV, MTV2, NBCSN, HD Net, Comcast Sports & Pay-per-view.