Construction - Bristol, Rhode Island, United States
ModCell is one of the first products to make large-scale, carbon-negative building a commercial reality. The ModCell system utilises the excellent thermal insulation qualities of straw bale and hemp construction to form prefabricated panels. ModCell allows super-insulated, high-performance, low energy ‘passive' buildings to be built using renewable, locally sourced, carbon sequestering that offers sustainable building materials. ModCell is designed for use in offices, schools, housing and commercial buildings.This innovative, offsite-manufactured wall and roof cladding system can be quickly and efficiently installed, creating buildings with thermal performance up to three times higher than the current building regulations require. This super-insulated system, combined with our airtight details, means that buildings constructed using ModCell panels meet the demanding PassivHaus specification. As a result, ModCell buildings can have zero heat requirements, saving money and CO2 emissions.
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