- St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Model WTO International is the worldwide leading association of World Trade Organization studentsimulations. The goal of our organization is to raise awareness on trade and sustainability amongstudent community and to provide students with a unique insight into the development of trade policywithin the framework of the WTO. Model WTO International is a student-run initiative based in St.Gallen, Switzerland and collaborates, among others, closely with the WTO, the University of St. Gallenand the Graduate Institute in Geneva.Model WTO International aims to establish a global network of WTO simulations in order to providestudents from all over the world with the possibility to learn about international trade and investmentpolicy and the diplomatic processes involved in the framework of the WTO. The network shall comprisemultiple conferences in strategically accessible locations all over the world with an annual main eventin Switzerland. The best delegates from all the associated conferences gather once a year to competeand negotiate at the Model WTO simulation in St. Gallen and Geneva, where they have the possibilityto present their work to trade experts and top tier diplomats.