Media Production - Milan, Lombardy, Italy
Modelclub is the first world's most exclusive members club by invitation only for international Models signed at top agencies. The private members club is an elite place, soaked in prestige and exclusivity. Modelclub maintains their exclusiveness through an application process that begins with recommendations by a current member or a founder followed by an approval by the club's committee.Modelclub has implemented a strict members recruiting policy, only accepting international fashion Models signed at top agencies who have shown a strong commitment to their professional fields, excellent records and a relevant social status in order to be consider as an influencers.Supported by our parntners, Modelclub is a marketing tool as well, providing the link between brands and the Models community in order to breakthrough brand image and brand awareness through product placement, advertisement, social media engagement and dedicated events.We work both with our community and with a network of bloggers/vloggers to get products and services reviewed in front of hundred of thousands of their loyal followers. Another service is Models and Celebrities Gifting, a great way to have your product intrinsically linked with celebrities without the need to sign long-term partnerships.Modelclub is an influencer platform, a community, a marketing tool and a dedicated space with an unique fusion of fashion and arts. The right place to boost your products and to build a network with other Models, Photographers, Make-Up Artists, Stylist and Fashion Designers. For further details: