Research - , ,
What is the Cyber-resilience Lifecycle in BIM Environment?I would like to invite you to take part in a questionnaire being conducted by myself as part of the research for my Master's Thesis in BIM Management at Middlesex University to seek your views of organisational cyber-resilience.The questionnaire is being conducted to collect feedback as part of an investigation into the feasibility of cyber-resilience in the Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) sector, with a focus on the BIM-enabled organisations in particular.Your responses will help to identify present attitudes to cyber-resilience and BIM, generate awareness through the release of the complete findings, and identify opportunities for addressing the challenges.To say thank you for completing the questionnaire, you will have a chance to win a £30 Amazon E-mail Gift Voucher.Thank you for considering your involvement in this questionnaire. I wish you all the best in your work and future cyber-resilience journey.Begin Questionnaire: