Higher Education - Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
The ocean has played a valuable role in the advancement of human civilization around the world since began.This is evident in the ancient civilizations of Greece, Egypt, and Rome, and also in modern civilization with the British Empire and the United States. These advancement and spread of civilization could have only been possible through the use of oceans.As early as the 16th century, Sir Walter Raleigh said, "Whosover commands the sea commands the trade; Whosover commands the sea commands the trade of the world commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself."The American ocean strategist, Alfred Mahan, said that "maritime power is considered to be the absolute means to maintain the wealth and the peace of the country."The only way for the Republic of Korea, a small country in Northeast Asia, to succeed in today's competitive world, is through dominance of the seas. Our country has already been listed as one of the top eight maritime powers in the world, and it is our mission to continue to be a key leader in the world.Our university is a specialized maritime institute that focuses on cultivating intellectuals who will have not only the leadership for new maritime culture, but also the knowledge of maritime science.We are equipped with modern laboratory equipment and two new large-scale practice ships that are used in classes. We also provide qualified students with scholarships and stipends, which are comparable with international standards.Come to Mokpo National Maritime University! We will make your hopes and dreams come true.
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