Transportation/Trucking/Railroad - Winterthur, Zurich, Switzerland
Molinari Rail Group is a consulting, engineering and manufacturing company in the transportation sector. Molinari Consulting Ltd. founded the subsidiary Molinari Engineering GmbH with domicile in Schwaz, Austria, which took over the former engineering team of the Jenbacher Werke/Integral Verkehrstechnik from Connex Transportation Austria.The over 50 years old tradition in rail vehicles construction at the location of Jenbach is being continued. Business locations of the Molinari Group focus on Switzerland and Austria with subsidiaries in Germany, Italy, Turkey and Malaysia. The company comprises more than 100 permanent employees in Europe and holds up on a network of specialized railway engineers and transportation experts from all over the world. The company is offering the following system and service solutions:CONSULTING• Tender and bid support• Market and feasibility studies• Export support• Fleet management• Workshop audits• Build supervisionENGINEERING• Comprehensive design of railway vehicles• Systems engineering• Mechanical and electrical system integration• RAMS & LCC analysis• Electrical schematics• Requirements managementANALYSIS• Feasibility studies and optimization• Proof of structural integrity• Crash analysis• Planing and evaluation of tests• Analysis of welded designs• Simulation of railway vehicle dynamicsMANUFACTURING• Complete mechanic and electric subsystems• Generator sets, traction units• Car bodies, bogies and various components• Crash components• Workshop infrastructure• Workshop and manufacturing equipment• Transfer of technology
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