Think Tanks - New Delhi, Delhi, India
Welcome to Monday MotivationMonday Motivation-It's is a new idea of the genre it is a bit logical. we see so many flows in system around the world we post the article which brings positivity to the society and we post stories of unsung heros which inspires everybody out there. "That is how we got into the writing profession, after a long time of just doing nothing & observing needs of today's world".What is Your Monday MotivationMessage for all readers find it, Try to be realistic and not force yourself out there, just try to think about what you want to do and what you need to do. The best approach is only to use the times you're in a bind, think carefully on what is more important for you than the goal at hand, and get to work. Once you are clear about what you need to do, you can look at other projects that you want to look at or work and be creative with them. Just don't try to force yourself in situations that are not your cup of tea, and don't fall into the trap of wanting to work on something that you're not passionate about anymore. Just keep going with it regardless, and when it is done be excited about what you achieved.