Investment Management - Putrajaya, Putrajaya, Malaysia
Money Made Easy is an educational platform which is based on Instagram under thename of The main topic of our project is essentially related to finance especiallyin investment and money management.In the era of social media, people are able to obtain information easily by using theirsmartphones or web browsers. However, few financial institutions and investmentinfluencers / public figures who give adequate information about these. In some cases, peoplehave to pay some amount of membership fees for classes and seminars. Hence, the mainobjective of Money Made Easy ( is to provide free educational materials to thesociety so that they are able to further enhance their knowledge.Our targeted audience are people who need basic financial tips and strategies for theirinvestments. Moreover, we are also targeting those who are having financial issues due totheir lack of knowledge and experience to manage their money well and willing to get out oftheir comfort zone to dive further into this topic.We hope that Money Made Easy ( will be impactful by reaching lots ofpeople in the society and will contribute to improve people's financial literacy and to improvetheir lifestyle.