Education Management - , ,
Leading Catholic preparatory school near Ludlow, ShropshireWe provide a preparatory school education where the children's interests are paramount.We will ensure that the school's policies will always reflect that central principle.Our special commitment to our Roman Catholic tradition and our boarding ethos will enhance and focus our central concern for the welfare and development of each individual child.AIMSMoor Park is a school which aims to:Educate the whole child within a happy, secure, caring, community founded on Catholic principles;Develop the whole child, both academically and personally;Discover, nurture and encourage talent, help children to be the best that they can be;Maximise opportunity and potential for every individual child;Prepare children towards responsible independence of thought and action in readiness for the next stage of their education within Moor Park or at Senior School - and an increasingly complex, competitive world beyond;Provide an environment in which children have space to grow - physically, emotionally and spiritually.
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