Marketing & Advertising - Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
In online communication, the past years we passed a tipping point in which online, mobile and social 'dexterity' often grow more rapidly on the customer side than on the brand side. What's more: traditional online interaction transformed into an on-going dialogue that blurred the line between in-company and out-company. Customers became co-workers and vice versa.Hypes come and go and making the wrong investments is costly. Maybe that's why many companies still stick to traditional ways of addressing their customers (conversion, conversion, conversion!) and miss out on creating something beautiful and lasting with them.MoreThanLike is a young company, risen from the minds of a couple of long-time 'company rangers', consultants and entrepreneurs. Seeing the changes mentioned above, they decided that it was time to change the way companies engage and involve their customers. They started to dedicate their knowledge and experience to help companies think differently, embrace their shortcomings and engage their audience by involving and valuing them, rather than just traditionally ‘target' them. Understanding psychology more than ever precedes technology, design and sales. Build your brand online with customers, not for them. Save on costs and win on loyalty on the fly. 'More Than Like' says it all. Liking itself has little business value. Engagement has. Arrogance drives people away. Sympathy and trust attract. Investing in the long term is core to our business. We bet not having to invest too often is to yours. The MoreThanLike partners have a vast trackrecord in running innovative (online) projects at top companies like KPN, ING, Achmea, UPC, Air France/KLM, EDG Media combining market, business and technology sense into state-of-the-art online services with the best business value. Get in touch to see how we can create value for you, improving the online ties with your audience.
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