Civic & Social Organization - , , Spain
Mornings4 is a foundation that helps to create a better future. It is all about the transformation of humanity beyond begins as an "Event on the Fourth Industrial Revolution" and we are sharing the futuristic news with you at starts as a community that will have its expression in a series of events to inform themselves about the evolution of the 4.0 technologies, to motivate to maintain a positive attitude towards these technologies, to participate and give opinions on how to use the technology that will serve the human beings, but not the other way around.Who are we?We are a group of people who look at 4.0 technologies with enthusiasm and optimism. We do not see any cataclysm, nor do we share apocalyptic visions of the future; we believe that by working collectively we can turn the challenges of this new era into opportunities to build a better world. The future is in our hands.Conference mornings4.comNews about future mornings4.newsSpecialties: artificial intelligence, food, health, wellness, nanotechnology, science, sustainable future, innovation, economics, genetics, IoT