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Disclaimer: Данная страница не является официальной страницей МИП, и ведётся выпускниками МИП, проживающими за пределами РФ.The Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis was founded in 1997. It is one of the leading psychology institutions of higher education in Russia, accredited by the state in all professional training fields. The Institute participates in the annual rankings by Interfax and RAEX. The Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis maintains academic approach and introduces innovative technologies to the process of education. Active contribution from experts in the field of psychology, pedagogy, and management attracts professionals in humanities and sciences from all over the world.The Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis is an institution where the educational process moves along with research activities. Students majoring in any field have a real opportunity to get hands-on experience by participating in multiple interesting projects. The Institute has developed modern research, learning, and teaching infrastructure.The Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis cooperates with outstanding world universities to realize international continuous professional development and retraining programs. Students and academic staff members take part in annual external training programs provided in cooperation with |foreign Higher Educational Institutions.The Department of Further Education of the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis offers over 150 advanced training and professional retraining programs for psychologists, educators, medical workers, HR specialists and students majoring in respective fields of study. Every student can choose the most suitable training format depending on the time, field, and price. Over 2,500 students attend professional retraining programs every year.
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