Primary/secondary Education - , ,
An Education CommunityThe Mount Vernon Community School District brings families and educators together to create an environment of life long learning, achievement and excellence. It's a community where pride fuels collaboration on a spectrum of projects ranging from basic education to the fine arts. It's a community where academics, the fine arts and athletics are all highly valued and vigorously supported. The Mount Vernon Schools are strong in Community!LocationAlthough the Mount Vernon Community School District is located within the City of Mount Vernon, the school community is made up of families from many different towns and the surrounding countryside. The school buildings are located in the historic and scenic City of Mount Vernon in east central Iowa. The City of Mount Vernon is 13 miles east of Cedar Rapids on the east-west U.S. Highway 30, and 22 miles north of Iowa City on the north-south State Highway 1. The City of Cedar Rapids has a population of 113,482 andThe district encompasses approximately 76 square miles, mostly in Linn County, but also a small portion of Johnson and Jones Counties. Maps of the school district are available at the school website: under District Information.